Like every song - actually everything, GODSONGS had a beginning... what began as a way for me as a songwriter/singer/musician simply trying to save money and time by recording my own music; just slowly evolved into a full fledged recording studio here in Michigan.
I started with 4 track reel-to-reel recording (even some cassette recording), and after learning how to make "really terrible" recordings that would eventually be the stepping stones that I would later come to appreciate. The recordings gradually got better, and thankfully - so did my studio's equipment. As the days of analog recording were winding down - I found myself in the awkward position of having to start all over. By that I mean, now I had to learn how to use the new DAW's (digital audio workstations) that were now becoming mainstream and replacing the reel-to-reel machines I had become so comfortable with.
Sink or swim they say, and for me that was as true as one could ever imagine. I knew going into this next "learning curve" would mean I couldn't treat my passion for recording like a "weekend hobby". Like my commitment to Jesus Christ, and my wife when we married; I decided it was all or nothing. Once I made that decision to be "all in" - the journey turned out to be much easier, and more fun than I thought it would be... Let me say that the transition from analog recording to digital recording via computers and sophisticated software programs was not easy; but once I decided to commit to learning this new technology - I was "all in." The learning curve is steep, but the results and pay off in the end, make it one of my best decisions of my life.
I Jumped In...
I readily admit that I didn't go to a professional recording school to learn how to record; my training and knowledge (though it's in the thousands of hours), was borne out of real recording sessions in very ordinary circumstances. A band wanting to release their 1st CD, a local artist/singer wanting to record their next CD or song they wrote, or even myself recording many of my own songs. (I have sixteen albums released worldwide under the name "fool4christ." With each recording, and with every project - lessons were learned and learned well. It's because of all of those collective experiences, the good, bad, and ugly - that our studio can say to any band/artist or singer-songwriter who records here - We've been there and done that! Really.
Buying new equipment for recording, from DAW's, drum machines, and endless choices of music software was something that took me time to figure out. Learning the new digital language that is part and parcel of the digital audio world, is something I had to familiarize myself with. That meant, buying digital recording equipment, and learning how to use it. Buying equipment wasn't too difficult for me(I had a great job with G.M.), but learning how to use digital equipment would mean months and months of studying tutorials and manuals for all of the new recorders and devices (like drum machines and other music software programs) that I was buying and slowly becoming proficient with.
I knew if I was going to become fluent in using this new digital recording technology it would take a major commitment of not only money - but time! I can't recall how many times I literally fell asleep or stopped to rest my weary brain during those first years of transitioning from analog - to digital recording. Some would say I'm "self taught", but that wouldn't be true, why? Because, I studied manuals, tutorials online until the cows came home. I may not have a certificate framed on my wall, but the knowledge needed to create a great mix and deliver the goods... well it's in my head.
Let's Fast Forward...
I remember hearing a "success teaching" somewhere the principle that: "You fail your way to success". That proved to be true in my case, because with each poor or mediocre recording I created in the studio - the better they slowly became. I would try not to repeat a mistake, or poorly executed idea with my next recording project; and lo and behold - my songs, my mixes began to improve incrementally. Not really all that strange if you think about it, but looking back it wasn't very fun even though I could hear each new song sounding better than the earlier ones I had produced.
Slowly but surely - I started finding that "sweet spot" that everyone who tries to master or excel in anything discovers after years and years of perfecting their craft or work - whatever that might be. It has been said, that it takes about "ten thousand repetitions" for the mind, body and human potential to finally "arrive" or to "hit the bulls-eye" more than not. I can't honestly say that I've done ten thousand recordings yet; but I can tell you that I've done hundreds, and I've still miles to go before I reach the promised land.
There does come a time, when you and others take notice that the quality of the songs, and the mixes are not only better, but much better; and more importantly the songs being recorded and mixed down are consistently better and better. When that started happening to my songs, and other artists/songwriter's songs that I was producing and working with - I knew God had brought me a long way.
Things Right Now...
Okay, that brings us to the "here and now" with regards to GODSONGS. I didn't take the time or space here to go into all of the equipment and software/programs, etc that we have here at our studio; because you can check that out on our "Inside the Studio" page. This short background info is intended to let you know how GODSONGS began, and how it slowly evolved into a place where great mixes and songs are created and published around the world.
I'm an English tutor( I taught English to Koreans), so with that knowledge I'm about to apply the teaching principles I use to teach people "how to record songs" in a video format. These tutorials will cover every aspect of the recording process - from how to lay down basic tracks, to mixing down, and mastering the final mix to completion(and everything in between). I firmly believe in sharing the knowledge God has given us with others, so they can create "good works" that are excellent. In addition to that, I'm planning on doing a podcast, that will address the same issues, but will also have Christian songwriters/bands/artists on the shows sharing their insights about songwriting and recording,etc.
GODSONGS recording studio, under the umbrella of Light in the Dark Ministries is offering other services/products to our clients such as: Copyright services, Promotional pictures for bands/artists, Music Video production (Green Screen), CD cover design, Website design, and more. Our focus here will be "audio production", with an emphasis on doing "final mixes" and "mastering" of songs almost ready for publishing or distribution.
Some Final Thoughts...
God has really blessed my wife and I in so many ways. We are involved in not only in Christian music here at GODSONGS, but we are actively involved in evangelism and outreach locally and around the world. Together we founded Light in the Dark Ministries, a multi-faceted ministry to the homeless, those in jail and prison; with an emphasis on reaching those lost in darkness without knowing Jesus Christ personally. Everything we do, everything we have is consecrated to God.
GODSONGS, was never started to make money or with a focus on being a "business", but rather begun with the hope that God would allow us to create anointed music for His glory and honor. We have endeavored to create a place where Christian singers/songwriters & bands/artists can record their songs and music in a most excellent manner. We believe that is happening now - and we invite you to join with us in spreading the "Good News" of our Savior and Lord Jesus throughout the world!